October 18th, 2019
Warsaw University of Technology 4th floor room 4.01/4.02
Join us on the 18th October in Warsaw for the InCites Customer Forum
This event is designed for our customers and users of InCites to connect, learn, and share with their peers, and meet the teams that build and maintain the InCites platform. Hosted in collaboration with the Warsaw University of Technology we look forward to welcoming you to what promises to be a very engaging day.
InCites is built on the selective, structured and complete data provided by the Web of Science. With customized citation data, global metrics and multidimensional institutional profiles, InCites makes it simple to measure your productivity, benchmark yourself against your peers, find and analyze collaborations and partnerships, and uncover funding opportunities.
Spaces are limited so register today.
InCites is built on the selective, structured and complete data provided by the Web of Science. With customized citation data, global metrics and multidimensional institutional profiles, InCites makes it simple to measure your productivity, benchmark yourself against your peers, find and analyze collaborations and partnerships, and uncover funding opportunities.
Spaces are limited so register today.
Key Speakers

Jonathan Adams
Director, Institute for Scientific Information (ISI)

Błażej Feret
Head of Science Information Systems, Lodz University of Technology

Dr Aneta Drabek
Senior Certified Curator
University of Silesia
University of Silesia

Michal Petr
Manager for Research Evaluation
Masaryk University of Brno
Masaryk University of Brno

Dr Klementyna Karlinska-Batres
Customer Education Specialist
Web of Science Group
Web of Science Group

Jeffrey Clovis
Director of Customer Education & Support, Web of Science Group
Overview of the day:
Network with peers working in research evaluation
Learn best practices for applying citation metrics at your institution
Understand how Web of Science data supports research evaluation
Hear case studies from colleagues using InCites, to see how your institution can benefit
Find out about recent product developments for InCites and share your feedback
Hear case studies from colleagues using InCites, to see how your institution can benefit
Find out about recent product developments for InCites and share your feedback
Register below and and we'll send the details straight to your inbox.
Schedule for the day:
Registration and Welcome
10:00 till 10:15
Jonathan Adams, ISI
10:15 till 11:00
What ISI does in the shadows
Błażej Feret, Lodz University of Technology
11:00 till 11:30
InCites - a (almost) perfect tool
Dr Aneta Drabek, University of Silesia
The use of bibliometry in the university's scientific policy: from simple indicators to specialized modules
Michal Petr, Masaryk University of Brno
12:00 till 12:30
Bibliometrics in day-to-day practice. The case of Masaryk University.
Panel Discussion
12:30 till 13:00
13:00 till 13:30
Dr Klementyna Karlinska-Batres, Web of Science Group
13:30 till 14:30
Interactive session: experts panel
Jeffrey Clovis, Web of Science Group
14:30 till 15:30
Product updates: Incites/Web of Science Group