Academic Video Online

Unlimited. Essential. Affordable.

Empower your faculty and students

with the right streaming video solution.

Elevate teaching and learning.
Documentaries ignite critical thinking and empower student engagement with real-world perspectives. Streaming video enhances student engagement, promotes critical thinking, and enriches classroom material. Academic Video Online (AVON) is the most comprehensive video subscription available to libraries. It delivers 80,000+* titles spanning the widest range of subject areas and more than 19,000* titles are exclusive to ProQuest, all with a predictable annual cost. Libraries with AVON can offer their users not only a massive depth of content and breath but also


  • 3,500 titles added yearly
  • Our newest learning tool, Video Interaction Functionality, which connects library content to the classroom by allowing faculty to embed pedagogical tools (like multiple choice and polling questions) into our videos.
  • Build by Choice (Perpetual Rights) and free media hosting 
  • Enhanced platform functionality includes platform language translation tool and UX upgrades. 
  • On-demand audio description available.

*Territorial restrictions apply
"AVON has the most content and the best business model."
Michael Rodriguez, Acquisitions Librarian at Michigan State University Libraries
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The transformative power of documentaries in education.
Documentaries have the potential to serve as catalysts for progress, sparking critical thinking and empowering student engagement by offering real-world perspectives. Explore the dynamic role of documentary films within education and the library with an exclusive free 30-day trial, today!

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