Unlock key Primary Sources

provide a first-hand look at pivotal moments in history

Experience history firsthand

with ProQuest History VaultTM

ProQuest History VaultTM is a powerful database that provides researchers with access to a wealth of historical information. 
It has tremendous collections-building value for libraries and can meet immediate and long-term research needs of students and professors. With harmonized vocabulary, detailed metadata, and full-text search capabilities, researchers can retrieve results across collections, increasing the possibility of making unexpected discoveries.
Uncover the newest digitized collections now enriching the award-winning archive including:
  • History Vault: American Jewish Congress Records: Administrative and Executive Committee, Governing Council, National Conventions, and Executive Director Files —the meticulously preserved historical records of American Jewish Congress documenting 100 years of civil rights advocacy.
  • History Vault: Confidential U.S. State Department and Diplomatic Post Special Files, Asia, 1945-1966 — pivotal U.S. State Department history with diplomatic archives
  • History Vault: Bexar Archives: Colonial Archives of Texas during the Spanish and Mexican Periods, 1717-1836 — the most important source for the history of Hispanic Texas up to 1836 through official Spanish records.
"Such collections offer our students an unrivalled opportunity to engage with advanced historical research, conducting the same inquiries of the same materials that professional historians continue to use. Without ProQuest History Vault, I have no doubt that our students would struggle to produce such excellent work."
Joe Street, Associate Professor of Humanities, Northumbria University

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Uncover previously unexplored perspectives

This award-winning, continuously expanding digitized collection, now with 67 modules and over 23.8 million pages, notably grew by an additional million pages in 2023. During 2023, History Vault will grow to 67 modules and over 23.8 million pages. Created in partnership with renowned archival institutions, History Vault gives students and researchers a first-hand look at pivotal moments in history through the power of primary sources.