Uncover the unexpected

Past Protests, Present Understanding

Explore the History Vault

Understanding the historical roots of contemporary issues and movements is essential for researchers, educators and learners alike. In the latest additions to the award-winning History Vault collection your users will gain valuable insights into current social and political developments by viewing them through a historical lens.

These modules are especially timely, considering their relevance to contemporary events and pressing issues:
  • Students for a Democratic Society, Vietnam Veterans Against the War, and the Anti-Vietnam War Movement: This collection documents the history of student activism and anti-war protest movements in the United States during the 1960s and 1970s. These records contain valuable insights into the ideologies of past protest movements. 
  • Americans for Democratic Action Records, 1932-1999:  This collection provides valuable insights into the history of progressive activism in the United States. The records in this module offer historical context and perspective on past activism related to human rights, social justice and international affairs. 
  • American Jewish Congress Records: Administrative and Executive Committee, Governing Council, National Conventions, and Executive Director Files: The American Jewish Congress has a long history of advocacy for civil rights, religious freedom and social justice. These records provide valuable insights into the organization's past efforts related to Israel, Palestine and the broader Middle East. 

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