InCites Customer Forum London | 6th November
InCites is built on the selective, structured and complete data provided by the Web of Science. With customized citation data, global metrics and multidimensional institutional profiles, InCites makes it simple to measure your productivity, benchmark yourself against your peers, find and analyze collaborations and partnerships, and uncover funding opportunities.
Spaces are limited so register today.
The presenters

Dr. Martin Szomszor is Head of Research Analytics at the Institute for Scientific Information. He joined from Digital Science, where, as Chief Data Scientist he applied his extensive knowledge of machine learning, data integration and visualization techniques to found the Global Research Identifier Database. He was named a 2015 top-50 UK Information Age data leader for his work in creating the REF2015 impact case studies database for the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE). Read more
Dr. Guillaume Rivalle joined the Web of Science Group in 2002 after obtaining his PhD in polymer Chemistry from the Manchester Metropolitan University. He spent the next 14 years training customers and helping research institutions strategizing their research activities, using the Web of Science Group solutions, data and metrics. He is now managing a team of consultants across Europe. Read more

Becky Cook earned her PhD from the Institute of Cancer Research, London (ICR) in 2012. She then carried out some post-doctoral research at University College London. Becky returned to the ICR in 2014 and took up a research support role in Academic Services. She now leads a small team of research support professionals covering various areas including grant application support, management information reporting, research evaluation and the coordination of the ICR preparations for the Research Excellence Framework (REF 2021). Read more

Nikoline is part of the Research Analytics Office at DTU working within the different areas and aspects of research performance and benchmarking. Focusing on the further developments of the DTU Research Analytics Platform (http://rap.adm.dtu.dk) - an internal research collaboration and assessment tool based on Web of Science data. Nikoline is a librarian by heart and education and has and has since 2014 been working in the intersection between data analysis and human interaction in various Danish research and governmental institutions Read more

Andrew is the Bibliometric Support Officer for UCL Libraries, providing guidance and support on the use and interpretation of publication metrics to users across the university. He previously worked as the librarian for the British Antarctic Survey, where he first became interested in research metrics. He is currently working with Robyn Price on a user handbook for InCites.. Read more

Robyn is responsible for establishing and running a bibliometrics service at Imperial College London with an emphasis on promoting responsible use of metrics. As a member of the LIS-Bibliometrics Committee she manages The Bibliomagician, a blog for the publication metrics community. Robyn’s previous experience is in academic publishing, having worked in the editorial teams of subscription and open access journals. s Read more

Office of the Vice Provost – Research
Jacob took up his present post as Head of Research Metrics, OVP-R in 2014. Prior to this appointment, he lead a programme to support research grant applications in the School of Life & Medical Science, managed cross-disciplinary research calls and established workshops in Principles of Grantsmanship.
Jacob graduated in Physiology & Physics (Queen Elizabeth College/King’s College London) where he also obtained his PhD in 1983. He subsequently took up research post at Yale University, then UCL, and King’s College London as a Senior Research Fellow where he continued his research on membrane transport systems and the role of oxidative stress. He was a Visiting Senior Research Fellow at School of Biomedical Sciences, King’s College London until 2005.
Jacob joined Wellcome in 1994 where he served the Physiology & Pharmacology Panel, Equipment Working Party, and later the Tropical Medicine Interest Group, with special responsibility for funding schemes in non-communicable diseases in low and middle income countries. He left Wellcome in 2008 to join UCL.s Read more

Ross is responsible for a range of well-used services, including: ‘JUSP’ (Journal Usage Statistics Portal), IRUS-UK (Institutional Repository Usage Statistics for the UK), ‘Web of Science Service for UK Education’ (for Clarivate Analytics). He recently completed 10 years working on ‘EuropePMC plus’. Current development projects include visualisation and analytics relating to library data generally, the extension of JUSP and IRUS to institutions in USA, Australia, New Zealand and Saudi Arabia. Ross is a member of numerous industry working groups and was Chair of UKSG 2012-15, is on the Board of Directors of COUNTER and Open Library Foundation (OLF). Read more
Why attend?
- Network with peers working in research evaluation
- Learn best practice for applying citation metrics at your institution
- Understand how Web of Science data supports research evaluation
- Hear case studies from colleagues using InCites, to see how your institution can benefit
- Find out about recent product developments for InCites and share your feedback
Register below and we will review your registration
Andrew Gray, Bibliometrics Support Officer, UCL
Moderator: Dr. Martin Szomszor
The Address

Web of Science Group London Head Office
Level 1
Friars House, 160 Blackfriars Road
London SE1 8EZ
United Kingdom
Get there by tube or train
Closet tube station is Southwark station which is only a 5minute walk. This station is served by the Jubilee line.
Elephant & Castle tube station is approximately 10minute walk and is served by Northern Line (Bank Branch) and Bakerloo lines.
Waterloo is approximately an 8minute walk and is served by Jubilee, Northern Line, Waterloo & City tube lines as well as the South West train line.
Visit https://tfl.gov.uk/ to plan your journey