Sign Up for
LX Starter

Sign Up for LX Starter

Tired of sending emails that look like ransom notes to your patrons? Complete this form to join our community of over 145 libraries using LX Starter, which modernizes your email communications and sends visually appealing notifications to your patrons.

What is LX Starter?  
LX Starter is a modern approach to circulation and account-related email communications. Designed to work in conjunction with both the Sierra and Polaris ILS, LX Starter’s communication suite provides library staff with an intuitive, web-based interface that empowers them to design and send automated circulation notices.  

What to Expect  
Please include your library system's main point of contact. This person will serve as our main contact with you throughout the LX Starter implementation process.

Libraries need to be running Polaris 7.4 or Sierra 6.2 or higher to implement LX Starter. If your library is not yet on these versions, you will still need to follow your ILS’s standard process to schedule your upgrade. Once you have upgraded the ILS, your LX Starter implementation will continue.

Common questions  
  • Do we need to purchase a Vega Library Experience module to receive the LX Starter Package? No. LX Starter will be available for all Sierra and Polaris libraries at no additional cost as part of your subscription and maintenance package.
  • Do we need to purchase Syndetics Unbound to use LX Starter? No. Syndetics Unbound cover art will be included for any library using LX Starter.
  • What is required to implement LX Starter? Libraries must be running Polaris 7.4 or Sierra 6.2 or higher.
  • Can libraries customize the notices for their library? Yes, libraries can choose the Sender Name and From Email Address for their notices. In addition, they can add their logo, branded colors, and custom images. Libraries can also personalize their notices by using merge tags to include the first name of the patron and other patron account details.
  • Who is eligible for LX Starter Now? All Polaris and Sierra libraries running Polaris 7.4 or Sierra 6.2 or higher.
  • Does LX Starter support multi-language notices? Yes, LX Starter supports multi-language notifications and emails.
  • Does LX Starter support consortia? Yes, LX Starter now supports consortia.
  • Is LX Starter available for non-US/international libraries? Yes, LX Starter is now available for all international libraries.
  • Can you continue to send some notice types from the ILS and some of your notice types send through LX Starter? Yes. All ILS notices types are available in LX Starter but it is up to the library which notices they would like to manage through LX Starter or the ILS.

Additional Resources