Welcome to the June 2024 edition of 'Web of Science Training & Certification Program': a series of free WebEx trainings being conducted by the Clarivate product experts on various aspects of the Web of Science platform to support academic and government research institutions with effective scientific discovery and writing.
The entire program is divided into 3 WebEx sessions of 60 min. each.
Session-1 | Monday, 17 Jun 2024 at 11:00AM (India)
Effective scientific discovery and writing leveraging Web of Science: Discovery begins here!
- Explore emerging research trends for your area of research using Web of Science
- Develop a research landscape through a systematic bibliographic review.
- Find Highly cited and influential research papers in your area of research.
- Analyze important parameters such as top institutions, researchers, journals, funders, etc.
- Identify and evaluate potential collaborators based on research impact using Web of Science
- An introduction to EndNote Click
- Create citation reports for a given researcher or institution
- Understand citation impact for optimal research and publishing decisions
Session-2 | Wednesday, 19 Jun 2024 at 11:00AM (India)
Selecting the right journal for publication and avoiding predatory journals
- Understanding the common criteria for selecting right journal for publications
- Understand journal evaluation metrics - Journal Impact Factor, Journal Ranking, Journal Citation Indicator, and Journal Quartile
- Explore the Master Journal List
- Find the best fit journal for your manuscript using MJL manuscript matching feature
- Learn additional approaches to evaluate journals using Citation Footprint Analysis
- Avoid falling prey to predatory journals
- Understand Open Access and recent developments in scholarly publishing
- Best practices in research and good citation behavior
Session-3 | Friday, 21 Jun 2024 at 11:00AM (India)
Reference Management and Good Citation Behavior (Author’s role)
- Introduction to EndNote Online
- The Cite While You Write Plugin
- How to cite correctly?
- Best Practices during the Manuscript Publication Process
- Good citation behavior