Publication forms in Gulf states: Trends and dynamics across research categories
Timing: Wednesday June 24 2020, 5.00pm Gulf Standard Time (60 minute webinar)
Join us for this webinar to learn how to:
• Better assess the true dynamics of research publications
• Understand which journals/subscriptions to offer to your researchers (as a librarian)
• Make better decisions on how to efficiently disseminate your research (as a researcher)
Who should attend?
This webinar will be useful for librarians, researchers and heads of universities, academic institutions and research centers.
We will be covering the following topics:
How publication forms are changing across gulf countries
Trends across publication forms versus research areas
Open access publication trends
Who is adopting open access and in which research areas as this is key for librarians to strategize approaches to smartly choose/subscribe to relevant, impactful and useful journals
Featured speaker
Researcher at the Max Planck Institute with more than 12 years of experience in research management, assessment and planning, university ranking, R&D projects, strategies in research institutes and education.
As a researcher, Dr. Akil works closely with universities and research entities helping them at assessing and evaluating their performance using sophisticated bibliometric indicators and methods.
In addition to this, Dr. Akil works with industrial companies to offer knowledge-based solutions and has notable experience in quantum optics and sophisticated laser systems used to study ultrafast dynamics down to attosecond resolutions, solid state physics and spectroscope methods and muon-spin rotation measurements. He has published many articles in journals of high repute.