South Asia Innovation Award 2024

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Celebrating Visionaries and Trailblazers

Witness who joins the ranks of visionaries at the pinnacle of innovation.

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, the South Asia Innovation Award stands as a beacon, illuminating the path for extraordinary minds who fearlessly push the boundaries of what’s possible. As we journey through 2024, we come together to celebrate and honor organizations across India and South Asia that have harnessed innovation to shape our world, leaving an indelible mark on communities, societies, and lives.

We encourage you to visit the Email Preference Center to receive the latest updates on the South Asia Innovation Award 2024.



12:30 pm
Registration & Luncheon 
02:00 pm
Opening Remarks
02:15 pm
Address by the Chief Guest

Dr Unnat Pandit, Controller General of Patents, Designs & Trade Marks (CGPDTM)

02:25 pm
Innovation Beyond Boundaries: Shaping your IP Strategy in the Age of AI

Vasheharan Kanesarajah, Vice President, Head of Strategy, IP Division

02:45 pm
Empowering Global Expansion: IP Management made easy with Clarivate
Parthasarathy Karmegam, Vice President, Patent Admin Services
03:05 pm
Top Innovators in South Asia: Methodology
Abhijeet Patil, Senior Business Solution Consultant, Clarivate
03:20 pm
Award Ceremony & Group Photo
05:50 pm
Closing Remarks
Anju Mehra, Sales Account Manager

Recognition and prestige

Observe the accolade bestowed upon leaders of innovation and forge your brand’s esteemed reputation. Securing this award is a testament to your organization’s dedication to innovative practices and serves to distinguish your enterprise from market competitors. Aspiring to win this award should be a part of your future ambitions.

Networking opportunities

Network with like-minded individuals, establish valuable connections, and explore potential collaborations or partnerships.

Exposure to new ideas and trends

Learn from other innovators, gain insights into disruptive technologies, and potentially identify opportunities for growth or diversification.

Benchmarking and industry insights

Benchmark your own innovation efforts against industry leaders and competitors and gain valuable insights into successful strategies, best practices, and areas for improvement within their own innovation processes.

About South Asia Innovation Award

At Clarivate, we honor the bold and brilliant - those who defy odds and shape the future. The South Asia Innovation Award is our tribute to these visionaries, the architects of ingenuity. We invite you to be part of this journey.

Follow the hashtag #SAIA2024 and be part of the conversation 
 engage with fellow enthusiasts, share insights, and fuel your passion.

Let’s applaud these visionaries — may their ideas echo through eternity.

Hall of Fame